Jun 2019

Lumina Imaging and Diagnostics

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Lumina Imaging and Diagnostics

The opportunity

MetroHealth Systems, northeastern Ohio’s largest non-profit healthcare system, identified an opportunity gap around imaging. CT and MR modalities were an area where there was room to create a focused practice alleviating many of the tensions around hospital imaging. Including high-cost, variable schedule, patient convenience, and direct communication.

We create solutions that are more human
Lumina Imaging is bringing the power to the patient
Lumina Imaging offers simple, straightforward pricing
We deliver results within 24-hours
An image of the contact form on LuminaImaging.com
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The Insight

What if there was a high-quality, low-cost, patient-focused imaging centers where patient studies were read by sub-specialized, fellowship-trained physicians, and the results were available to patients and referring physicians within 24 to 48-hours? 

That would mean giving the power to the patient.

The Opportunity

MetroHealth tapped _dTA to build a brand from the ground up to meet that opportunity. After an accelerated discovery, naming, and brand strategy process, we presented the MetroHealth C-Suite with the Lumina Imaging & Diagnostics brand. Flipping the script on most healthcare online platforms, we brought a breath of fresh air to the industry, eschewing stock photography for light, airy illustrations. Rather than walls of text, we brought a healthy dose of white space to the design, allowing for a simple user experience, and structured information architecture allowing the viewer’s eye to float across the compelling points about how and why Lumina is changing medical imaging for the better.

An array of the interior pages of the Lumina Imaging brand guide.
Lumina Imaging posters hang in break rooms around Cleveland, OH
A page from the Lumina Imaging brand guide produced by _defyThemAll: a creative brand and digital agency
Lumina Imaging flyers produced for large employers
Lumina Imaging collateral in situation
A Lumina Imaging sub-specialized radiologist confers with a patient in an illustration produced by _defyThemAll: a creative brand and digital agency
A man searches for Lumina Imaging on his mobile device in an illustration produced by _defyThemAll: a creative brand and digital agency
A Lumina Imaging sub-specialized radiologist reads a patient scan in an illustration produced by _defyThemAll: a creative brand and digital agency
A Lumina Imaging patient inside an MRI machine in an illustration produced by _defyThemAll: a creative brand and digital agency
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// GET is the verb we're using to GET data from Xano request.open('GET', url, true) // When the 'request' or API request loads, do the following... request.onload = function() { // Store what we get back from the Xano API as a variable called 'data' and converts it to a javascript object let data = JSON.parse(this.response) // Status 200 = Success. Status 400 = Problem. This says if it's successful and no problems, then execute if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { // Map a variable called cardContainer to the Webflow element called "Cards-Container" const cardContainer = document.getElementById("Cards-Container") // This is called a For Loop. This goes through each object being passed back from the Xano API and does something. // Specifically, it says "For every element in Data (response from API), call each individual item restaurant" data.forEach(restaurant => { // For each restaurant, create a div called card and style with the "Sample Card" class const style = document.getElementById('samplestyle') // Copy the card and it's style const card = style.cloneNode(true) card.setAttribute('id', ''); card.style.display = 'block'; // When a restuarant card is clicked, navigate to the item page by passing the restaurant id card.addEventListener('click', function() { document.location.href = "/item?id=" + restaurant.id; }); // For each restaurant, Create an image and use the restaurant image coming from the API const img = card.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0] img.src = restaurant.banner.url + "?tpl=big:box"; // using Xano's template engine to re-size the pictures down and make them a box // For each restaurant, create an h3 and set the text content to the restaurant's title const h3 = card.getElementsByTagName('H3')[0] h3.textContent = restaurant.name; // For each restaurant, create an paragraph and set the text content to the restaurant's description const p = card.getElementsByTagName('P')[0] p.textContent = `${restaurant.description.substring(0, 240)}` // Limit to 240 chars // Place the card into the div "Cards-Container" cardContainer.appendChild(card); }) } } // Send Restaurant request to API request.send(); } // This fires all of the defined functions when the document is "ready" or loaded (function() { getRestaurants(); })();